Our mission is to bring legacies to life by putting people and relationships first.
We build long-term relationships with our clients through vision, communication, education, and collaboration.
Every legacy is built on a vision. Your vision provides the focus and direction for our planning process. By developing, documenting, and executing a clear, actionable plan, we ensure that your legacy is protected.
Proper communication leads to discovery. Through transparent, honest conversation, you can uncover your goals. We listen because only you know what is best for you. In our process, you make the decisions—we are here to provide expert insight as we guide you through each step.
Education leads to clarity and peace of mind. We educate you about the tools and solutions available to you. By providing you with the educational resources you need, we help you make clear and confident decisions.
Collaboration is our forte. We work with you and your other trusted advisors to craft a process that ensures the best results. Although we have decades of experience behind us, we continually learn new information and skills. We have assembled a support team of industry experts, and we value our ability to know when to ask for their input.
On our own, we’re experts; together, we’re Unity.